Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Criminal Minds

My friend introduced me to this show called Criminal Minds, and I'm addicted. (as is every other human being who watches that show for the first time!) It's got the perfect combination suspense mixed in with dramas and little twists. It's about this team of FBI members who solve cases. Of course they're all overly good looking and perfectly sculpted. It's like the Hollywood version of Cops. But the reason why it intrigues us all is mostly because these "cases" are based on true stories. The character can really exist! One of the characters (Agent Spencer Reid) is a genius! He graduated at age 12 and has a photographic memory, if you want to learn more about Spencer Reid check out this site  Spencer Reid-Criminal Minds. It's really an interesting show!
Totally love that quote!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

A Little 'Bout Me

So, I'm anonymous. I prefer to keep it that way so I can post as I like without bias. But that doesn't keep me from just explaining myself.

First of all, I'm the youngest of a rather large family. All my life I've had great siblings to look up to. We've had challenges but, as you can see, we made some pretty good progress. I enjoy writing stories, so on some of my posts I will have a weekly updated story. (Just a little something to look forward too!) I enjoy photography.

Lots I will get on this blog as my online journal, but to share with other people for advise. Also I love to help people with they're problems, so if your in a sticky situation please console me. But that also means that I might post my problems on here seaking realese.

So please get the word around about my blog!!!
             Thanks Love You All!!!!